August 29, 2010

Overnite Transportation mug

Nothing to distract on this mug. A simple, clean design and a few stars in the sky say it all for this shipping company.

August 22, 2010

Cub Scout mug

Fog coming off the distant mountains, a babbling brook nearby, and steam rising from a Cub Scout mug full of freshly perked coffee straight from the campfire completes this picturesque scene.

August 16, 2010

Hawaii Flower mug

Aloha again! Another great souvenir mug from Hawaii featuring beautiful artwork and bold colors.

August 10, 2010

Sunshine Convenience Store Division mug

The chubby baker logo and the yellow and red color motif makes this Sunshine Convenience ( I always misspell this!) Store Division mug shine!

August 1, 2010

Klein Tools mug

The earthenware brown and embossed logo make this mug from Klein tools an essential part of any do-it-yourself job around the house.